Our Charity Category Honourees
Large Charities:The Rumie Initiative
Small Charities:Southern Alberta Land Trust Society
Relieving Poverty: Adeara Recovery Centre
Support of Education: Central Canadian Public Television Association
Arts Education: New Tang Dynasty Charities
Other Education:
Canadian International Council
Advancing Education: The Learning Enrichment Foundation
Core Health Care: Hospice Society of Greater Halifax
Health Care Support:
Cancer Patient Services Corporation
Human Rights:Moniteur Un Watch Canada
Community Services:Ilisaqsivik Society
Environment:Southern Alberta Land Trust Society
Arts: Vancouver Bach Choir
The FHSD Canada Foundation
These Charitable Organizations are garnering increasing attention from both donors and the community, and in turn, are providing products and services that are in demand by the communities they service. They are excelling in their charitable mission through good management, mission awareness, and project impact.